Is Your Child Attending A Safe Preschool?

safe preschool

There are many factors to consider when choosing a safe preschool for your child, but the question is, what factors do you look for if you want to determine the school’s safety? Is security access control enough? What about hygienic safety? You need to cover all aspects of safety for your children. If you are feeling unsure about enrolling your child at a preschool, then fear not! Here are some tips for you on how to choose a safe preschool for your child.

Visit the Preschool

First of all, you need to actually go and visit the preschool so that you can have an idea of what the preschool is like. Bring your child with you and see how she/he reacts to the school environment. Take note of the security access and observe how the staff and teachers work with the children. How do you feel when you walk into the school? Does it feel safe enough? Also, do not be afraid to ask any questions at the preschool.

Some helpful questions to ask the staff at the preschool may be:

  • What are the safety precautions that you implement in your preschool?
  • Do the teachers/staff regularly change passcodes, and who has access to them?
  • How often do you clean and sanitize the floors and playground?
  • Are your staff trained for emergency situations?
  • May I meet all the staff?
  • What discipline procedures do you use for the children?

Security and Access Control in the School Grounds

School security is an important factor for your child’s safety! There are several types of security measures that should be put in place, in order to make the school grounds safe. Your child’s preschool should (at least) have access control, which usually involves having a security key pad – where the security code number would be revealed only to the teachers, staff and those who transport the children safely to and from school. The passcode should also be changed regularly for safety purposes.

Another common feature that is now being installed in schools for extra security, is the use of the fingerprint security system, where parents scan their fingerprints to have further access into the school. Providence Children’s Academy also makes use of this system, where parents check in their child only once they scan their fingerprints to gain entry. This system logs who has entered the building, as well as the exact time of entry.

Preschools should also have working security cameras that record at least a few weeks back, so that if an incident occurs, it can be recorded on camera for investigation purposes. At Providence Children’s Academy, we installed Webcams which are accessible to parents, who can view their child at any time of the day on their computers, laptops or even smartphones. Webcams are recorded back to 30 days max. Our safety procedures definitely go the extra mile compared to other preschools in Coconut Creek.

Trained Staff and Teachers

Preschools should have staff and/or teachers that are trained in emergency procedures, such as First Aid. We make sure that our staff are well equipped for emergency situations, trained in both CPR and First Aid. There is also an intercom system, where we can have effective communication, should the need arise. Our staff keep safety procedures of locking doors at all times when entering or leaving the building, to make sure that no child can exit without notice, and that no person can enter without notice.


Preschools should take great care in sanitizing their facilities, including the floors, chairs, tables, playgrounds and any object that the children would touch and handle. Preschools should use non-toxic cleaning solutions and no chemicals that can harm your child. We make sure that our classrooms are professionally cleaned every week, while classroom equipment and toys are sanitized daily to ensure that no germs or bacteria spread around the facility. It is important to keep germs away, as young children explore their surroundings much of the time on their hands and feet. They love to touch and play with things, and often put things in their mouths, including their fingers – where germs can spread in the mouth.

Another important consideration for safety in preschools, is that of safe and clean flooring. Children spend more time on the floor than people realize, and so a rubber flooring is perfect for preschools, as no bacteria can grow on it, as well as it provides a soft surface for children to play on without injuring themselves. We make sure to clean our rubber flooring with cold clean water and no chemicals.

Safe Transport

If you will not be driving your child to school, you will want a safe and reliable transport system for your child, so that you can rest easy knowing that your child will be in safe hands. School bus drivers should be licensed, qualified and trustworthy. Preschools in general should have staff that really care about the children that attend their school.

You can take a look at our blog post on choosing the best day care center for more tips too! If you are needing a safe preschool in Coconut Creek, then come to Providence Children’s Academy for a tour!

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