Is My Infant’s Development Progress Normal?

Infant Development

The typical age range for an infant is usually under a year, however it can sometimes be extended to 2 years of age. Depending on what is considered “normal” for your infant may depend on various factors. Factors such as a Low Birth Weight may affect their fine motor skills and their hand eye co-ordination. Your infants sex also plays an important role in reaching their milestones as different genders develop at different rates. It is important to remember that if your baby does not achieve their milestones by the average suggested age, there is a range that they can still achieve their milestones in. Your infant can achieve various milestones at different rates, some earlier and some later, all infants are unique when getting to their milestones.

Average Infant Development Milestones​​​​​​​

This table can help to show what infant milestones are achieved at these average ages, their physical, social and emotional milestones. All infants can achieve these milestones at various ages, as there is development variation among milestones.

Age of Infant Physical & Social Milestones Emotional Milestones
1-3 Months  
  • Smiling: Your infant should respond to your smiles and try to get you to smile back
  • Track objects with their eyes
  • Grip Objects in their hands
  • Can be soothed by rocking
  • Can support head and chest when lying on their stomach up to their forearms
  • Generalized tension
  • Distress
4-6 Months  
  • Can roll over
  • Begins to babble and start laughing
  • Holds head steady
  • Moves objects between hands
  • Enjoys being cuddled
7-9 Months  
  • Crawls
  • Can sit without support
  • Respond to familiar words
  • Can pull themselves up
  • Can clap and play games such as peek a boo
  • Finds Partially hidden objects
  • Emotional attachment to parents
10-12 Months  
  • Imitates sounds
  • Says one or two words
  • Points at objects they want
  • Takes first steps, with or without help
  • Affection
  • Curiosity
  • Fear of strangers
12-18 Months  
  • Walks independently
  • Can say 15 or more words
  • Upset when separated from parents
19-24 Months  
  • Can run and jump
  • Play make believe
  • Follows simple instructions
  • Potty Training is successful

Normal Infant Development Milestone Variation Factors ​​​​​​​

It is important to remember that these are the average ages that milestones should be reached. Another important factor to consider is not the age that the infant has reached the milestone, it is the fact that they are progressing in their development and not regressing, for example most babies will crawl before they walk.

An important factor to take into consideration is if your child was born prematurely. If this is the case, they may need more time than other infants their age to reach their development milestones and your doctor may track their development according to their due date and not their birth date.

If you are concerned about your infant’s development, it is best to consult your Pediatrician as parents know their infants best and early intervention is the best.

When to Seek Professional Advice for your Infant ​​​​​​​

If there are significant lags in the time it is taking to achieve a milestone then it is best to consult your Pediatrician and they can assess the situation from there.

Parents know their child the best, so if you think something is wrong it is best to go and see your Pediatrician. Make some notes beforehand to cover all possibilities, even if you don’t think it is important, it is best to get reassurance.

It is important to keep in mind the infant’s development milestones as well as that each infant is different and can achieve their milestones sooner or later as there is a natural variation among milestones reached. Always be aware of your infant’s development and make sure that they are progressing.

Providence Children’s Academy takes pride in providing the highest quality early childhood education to your children. We offer a safe and toxin-free playground as well as secure access when dropping off and picking up your children. It is also important to consider how preschool can increase infant development for your child as it may be the program and environment that is best for your infants development.

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